Political analyst and young leader of the BJP in Delhi Ravi Tiwari exposed Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and said that the medicine scam took place under his direction. Kejriwal, who earlier made the headline with the liquor scam, has done the drug scam. Ever since Kejriwal took power in Delhi, he has kept distributing freebies. After making people useless, he is training his ministers for scams.
BJP Delhi President Virendra Sachdeva Accused The Delhi Government
The Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, made a bad joke about the Delhi people’s lives. The medicines, that are being distributed in government hospitals and Mohalla clinics, are fake.
The president of the BJP in Delhi, Virendra Sachdeva, accused Kejriwal of distributing fake medicines in government hospitals and Mohalla clinics. There is a massive drug scam in Delhi. Fake medicines are being distributed. The scam is approximately worth 100 crore Indian rupees.
BJP Delhi leader Ravi Tiwari said these medicines have been tested in government labs. Most of the medicines have failed to test. The use of these medicines can bring danger to life. These medicines could not touch the quality parameters, so it is harmful to use them. BJP Delhi President Virendra Sachdeva accused Kejriwal of distributing death to Delhi people.
Kejriwal selected his favorite persons for dug supply tenders so they could make huge money, which is the main reason behind this massive scam. Delhi CM deliberately disseminated this drug supply to his beloved ones and distributed fake medicines.
The Delhi Government’s Health Minister, Saurabh Bharadwaj, Made Clarifications
The young leader of the BJP in Delhi, Ravi Tiwari, said that the central government will oppose the Delhi government for this irresponsible task of distributing fake medicines. Delhi’s health minister, Saurabh Bharadwaj, made clarifications on these accusations and said that he would not take responsibility for examining these medicines. He accused an officer and said that he was not doing his job properly. So that these mistakes are being made, I can only give the instructions to the officers. We filed a complaint with LG against that officer, but LG is not ready to take any action against that officer. Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj said that LG is responsible for these scams.
The Youth Leader Of The Delhi BJP And Political Analyst Ravi Tiwari Made His Point On The Issue
The youth leader of the BJP in Delhi and political analyst Ravi Tiwari criticized Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for corruption. He said that ED is asking Kejriwal to come for interrogation for the third time, but he is refusing to go there. Earlier, he did a liquor scam, and now he has created a massive drug scam in Delhi. The Delhi government is completely immersed in corruption. If he has not done anything wrong, then why has his minister’s bail petition been rejected so many times? A liquor scam is also performed with planning. This drug scam is also a part of Kejriwal’s destructive politics.