Prime Minister Narendra Modi distributed more than 11 crores of free LPG cylinders under the Ujjwala Scheme. This scheme changed life of women especially the poor of rural areas. Young BJP leader and political analyst Ravi Tiwari said.
Being an Indian we should welcome PM Modi’s effort to bring positive change in poor women’s lives. Rural women found it difficult to prepare food due to a lack of LPG cylinders. There was a problem of smoke due to cooking in an earthen stove. This process used to take so much time. More importantly, cooking in an earthen stove needed wood to prepare food. So they had to visit the forest to find woods for preparing food. In terms of searching for cooking resources, they spent their whole day. In the forest, their life was always at risk in this situation.
PM Modi solved these problems by providing free LPG cylinders under the Ujjwala scheme. Now women can utilize their valuable time in productive jobs rather than just cooking food. Now they are trying to learn some skills to develop their career in that free time. They have so much time.
Across the country, more than 110 million women witnessed the successful campaign run by Prime Minister Modi. Ujjwala scheme tried to make women self-dependent.
PM Modi initiated the Ujjwala scheme. The motto behind this project was to make a strong society, which can not be done without empowering women. Our women used to prepare food on earthen stoves. In this process, they had to bear lots of smoke which used to cause them physical harm. While preparing food, that smoke caused them to cough.
That was not fruitful for the body at all. If a woman of any particular family is not doing well, then the foundation of the family is not good. This problem of a family will become a curse for society. Ujjwala scheme tried to provide some relief from smoke and leave a foundation for power and growing society.